Eurovision 2020: NPO unveils the three Innovation Challenge winners

Dutch national broadcaster, NPO, has unveiled the names of the three lucky companies which have won the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest Innovation Challenge.

Kiswe Mobile, Sceenic and TNO have won the innovation challenge of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020. On September 30th the ten finalists of the competition pitched their concept to a jury consisting of NOS and AVROTROS and the ESC 2020 Project Team representatives. Each winner will receive an amount of up to € 35,000 to realize their application.

The three winners

Kiswe Mobile (Belgium): Traditionally, every country has one TV signal made for that country. With Kiswe Mobile, a large number of customized streams aimed at different target groups can be made, with the choice of different commentators, such as social media influencers, who seek interaction with the public and can show the results in the stream.

Sceenic (UK): Look together. Watch Together lets friends and family see and hear each other by using live real-time video chat, perfectly synchronized with the live stream of the show so that they can share those essential moments together.

TNO (Netherlands): TNO provides UltraWide Viewing. UWV records the show with special cameras and gives a very high resolution view of the entire stage where the performances take place that can be projected at full size on large screens, for example in cinemas and at other event locations so that the audience can experience the performance there as if it is there.

Mr. Martijn van Dam (NPO Director for Innovation) says:

These three selected solutions are a good example of innovative media companies that we would like to work with to stimulate innovation in media. Together with them, we will investigate how the Eurovision Song Contest can become even more interactive and innovative.

The winners will try to realize their application in the coming period. The 2020 ESC  Organizing Committee will ultimately decide whether the developed application goes into production and if it will be connected to the show.

The organization of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in the Netherlands is a collaboration between NPO, NOS and AVROTROS, in co-production with the EBU. The Eurovision Song Contest 2020 is scheduled to be held on 12, 14 and 16 May at the Rotterdam Ahoy.

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